The Saskatchewan Karate Association (SKA) was formed in 1977 incorporating a number of systems, or styles of Karate, which meet the necessary ethical and technical standards of training and instruction. The goal of the Association is to promote and develop Karate as a martial art and as a sport throughout the province. Meeting this goal involves.
- Encouraging wide participation in the sport of Karate
- Standardizing and supervising the quality of Karate instruction
- Instructing “Karate-Do”(the Karate way)
- Examining and registering student ranking and other technical qualification
- Sponsoring seminars and other events
- Developing qualified coaches, instructors and officials
- Cooperating with organizations for development of Karate
- Producing written materials related to Karate, and other activities to assist the goal of the “SKA”
- Provides coaches, instructors and officials that are trained in Respect in Sports (anti-bullying awareness)